A tutorial and slight manifesto on reviving end-of-life Chromebooks. How to make them into autonomous servers, and why we need to rethink computing in the age of climate collapse.
Fantastic post, I knew the education and work sector blew through these devices but I had no idea how easy it was to find them cheap and refurbished. I just picked one up for my fiancée as a work machine and one for myself to toss Ubuntu on. I’m really glad I received your email today, made my day. Cheers
Typically there is something underneath those parts of the board, so no. You can put it back if you want! But you won't be able to change anything with the firmware until you remove it again.
Fantastic post, I knew the education and work sector blew through these devices but I had no idea how easy it was to find them cheap and refurbished. I just picked one up for my fiancée as a work machine and one for myself to toss Ubuntu on. I’m really glad I received your email today, made my day. Cheers
Do you need to put the WP screw back in aftewards to secure the circuit board?
Or add a plastic washer?
Typically there is something underneath those parts of the board, so no. You can put it back if you want! But you won't be able to change anything with the firmware until you remove it again.